God is Good

Jan 26, 2025    Steve Marfia

FCF: There is a deep longing in the human soul to be satisfied.

Big Idea: God is good, so we don't need to look for satisfaction anywhere else.

Q: What could it mean to be good?   

•   useful, like goods and services   

•   dependable, like a good car   

•   desirable, like good weather   

•   entertaining, like a good movie   

•   moral, like a good guy   

•   complete, like you did a good job   

•   adequate, like that was good coffee

Q: What does "good" not mean?   

•   It's all good - positive vibes

Q: What does it mean that God is "good"?   

1.   God is best. (Mark 10:18)   

2.   God is exactly as He ought to be. (James 1:17)   

3.   God is enjoyable. (John 2:1-12)   

4.   God satisfies our longings. (Augustine)

"You have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you." --Augustine

Genesis 3:6; Hebrews 11:24-26

Q: How do we enjoy God?   

1.   Presence   

2.   Prayer   

3.   Partnership

“For many people, Christianity is a tedious and ultimately unsatisfying aversion to temptations they would much prefer to indulge. Nothing depresses me more than to think of expending my one life on earth merely suppressing my deepest desires, always acting contrary to what my soul continues to crave. But there is little hope of it being otherwise so long as I seek satisfaction in something other than God.” --Sam Storms