When The Kingdom Breaks In

Apr 2, 2023    Steve Marfia

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you believe God still does miracles?   

2. What's the difference between saving faith and faith for the miraculous? Have you distinguished between kinds of faith before?

3. Process any doubt and ask God for more faith.   

4. Who do you want to be healed? Saved?   

5. Pray now for those people.

Sermon Outline:

Everyone experiences the painful effects of the kingdom of darkness, especially through sickness, death and rebellion.

Big Idea: Jesus continues to advance His Kingdom against the darkness.

1. Jesus' Kingdom advance on sickness. (v. 32-35)

2. Jesus' Kingdom advances on death. (v. 36-43)

3. Jesus' Kingdom advances on rebellious people. (v. 35 & 42)

*Trust in your conquering King and all of His promises!