Distinct Like Daniel

Sep 1, 2024    Steve Marfia


FCF: You will never make a difference if you do not determine to be different.

BIG IDEA: Kingdom living in a Babylon world requires a distinct life of faith like Daniel.

1) What does it mean to live distinct like Daniel? (v. 6-7)

A) The Man - Luke 19:10 & John 14:6

B) The Message - Mark 1:15 & Romans 1:16

C) The Mission - Mark 16:15-16 & Matthew 28:19-20

2) How do we live distinct like Daniel? (v. 8-9)

A) We live distinct by living according to Kingdom values.

B) We live distinct by refusing to compromise our integrity.

C) We live distinct by conforming to Scripture, not culture.

3) Why live distinct like Daniel? (v. 17-20)

> the gospel <

PROP: In a Babylon world that wants to conform you to a worldly image, Dare to be different!

“Dare to be a Daniel, dare to stand alone, dare to have a purpose firm, and dare to make it known!”